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Quake 4 Game Review
Quake 4 is the next game in the long series of Quake games dating about 10 years back.
Quake 4, developed by Activision, is the a fast paced, FPS (First Person Shooter) game.
Quake 4 Game Play
The game play for this game is very similar to Quake 2. This is good because Quake 2 was a lot of fun and was exciting.
However, it is so similar that it takes some of the excitement of playing a new game.
The game play is similar to Quake 2, and the weapons and enemies are very similar to the old Quake games as well.
The story line picks up right were Quake 2 left off and is good enough to keep you interested.
The missions are varied and keep the game exciting.
The pace of this game is very fast which is what the Quake series is known for. There is a lot of action and the enemies come at you fast.
You have to be very quick to get past certain parts of this game.
Even though the action of this game is a lot of fun, Quake 4 doesn't leave a lot of room for level exploration or problem solving.
It pretty much seems that if you can kill the enemies, you can get past the levels.
Quake 4 Graphics
The graphics and effects of Quake 4 are good, but nothing that is really impressive.
Quake 4 uses the Doom 3 engine to run its graphics.
Their are some minor improvements that they made when they applied this engine to Quake 4 as well.
Quake 4 definately shows improvement over past games when it comes to graphics ,
however, it cannot match some of the games that came out at a similar time like Half-Life 2.
Activision did nothing innovative with this game.
It seemed like they made quite a few minor to medium improvements, but nothing that makes you say wow.
Overall, I give this game a 7/10. This is a good and fun game, but it is definately not the top game in its genre.
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