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Day of Defeat Source Game Review
Day of Defeat is one of the most popular Half Life mods available, but Day of Defeat Source is the upgraded source version of this game.
Day of Defeat: Source is a multiplayer, squad-based tactical shooter WWII shooter available via Steam.
Six different weapon classes are available, and each of these classes is very unique to the others.
Playing as a German soldier or a member of the US Army, a team must do their best to control flags in their possession while also attempting to gain control of new territory.
A well balanced assortment of player classes along with good strategy is the key to beating the opposition.
With the New Source engine, Day of Defeat looks life like and impressive.
The character models are meticulously detailed and have smooth animations, even from a third person perspective.
The environments are overflowing with detail from little chunks of debris lying in the streets to the high detail on the buildings.
The maps themselves are designed to incorporate different styles of gameplay. Some maps are very close quarters, while others are wide open and great for snipers.
The weapons are also very detailed, so it’s easy to discern an M1 Garand from Sniper rifle.
The weapon effects are also quite good, especially exploding grenades and blasting bazookas.
Day of Defeat: Source also supports HDR (High Dynamic Range) lighting effects, so if your video card can support this you’ll be able to experience the best lighting effects currently available. Overall, Day of Defeat: Source contains the same flashy visual style that other Source games possess, and the final result is truly commendable.
Also, new with the source engine is the realistic physics. Objects and people obey to the laws of physics. This is seen well with objects.
For example, an exploding grenade will send debris flying all over the place.
Sound can be a very dangerous weapon when implemented correctly into a game, and Day of Defeat: Source presents some of the most realistic sound effects heard in any FPS game.
The new Source engine has built upon its audio foundation to create an life like listening experience.
To start off, all of the noises sound depth-appropriate, so you’ll be able to neglect far away gun fire and pay close attention to footsteps nearby.
Clarity has also been greatly improved, so you can hear an enemy shout out team commands.
The clanking off various backpack items is also a fatal mistake if you don’t learn to keep quiet when moving.
The distinct weapon sound effects have also been recorded accurately, so if you are a good listener you’ll be able to tell if a machine gun is deplyoued right around the bend or if it is a mere submahcine gun soldier.
No matter what the scenario is, Day of Defeat: Source is filled with authentic sound effects that make the entire gameplay experience much more enjoyable.
With a good set of headphones, sound adds a whole new dimension to the game.
In conclusion, Day of Defeat: Source is an excellent game. From its realistic graphics to its fun gameplay, this game has been well made. Overall, I give this game a 9/10.
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